Wellbeing for Trainees and IMGs

The college has a variety of wellbeing staff providing support to all trainees within the radiation oncology (RO) and clinical radiology (CR) training programs throughout Australia, Singapore and New Zealand.

As specialists in training, it can be challenging at times to balance the competing demands of your professional and personal commitments. The College prioritises trainee wellbeing and understands the benefits of a healthy workforce and how integral it is to the quality of patient care and the sustainability of our professions.

Practical and confidential support is provided in a safe and transparent manner.  All metro, regional and rural trainees are eligible to access this service.

College appointed roles for your wellbeing support:
-  Trainee Liaison Officers (TLOs)
-  First Nations Trainee Liaison Officer (FN TLO)
-  International Medical Graduate Educational Support Officer (IMG ESO)                                                                   

Wellbeing services provided:
- check-ins on your overall wellbeing
- advice and guidance in a wide range of areas
- support with examination anxiety and stress
- updates on key issues or changes made by the college, that may impact trainees
- tools and resources to help maintain a healthy trainee-work-life balance

Don't wait until life becomes too hard or unbearable! It's always better to be proactive rather than reactive!