To access the ePortfolio please login using the orange Member Login button at the top right of the RANZCR login or click here.
Please also note the following:
The RANZCR Continuing Professional Development Program aligns with the Medical Board of Australia’s (MBA) CPD registration standard and Medical Council of New Zealand’s (MCNZ) recertification requirements.
All RANZCR Fellows and educational affiliates are required to participate in an annual CPD program, of which the RANZCR CPD program assists members in meeting this regulatory requirement.
If you are looking for a CPD home, RANZCR’s CPD program for clinical radiology and radiation oncology members also caters for other affiliated health professionals whose scope of practice aligns and are eligible to join the RANZCR CPD program as a RANZCR Associate.
For more information about the RANZCR Associate membership, as well as the associated benefits, and to express your interest, please click here or contact the college via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For questions and assistance with CPD, please contact the CPD team via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or +61 2 9268 9777 or see information below.
Membership category
How you join the CPD program
Doctors who hold Fellowship of RANZCR
You will be enrolled into the CPD program automatically after admission to Fellowship
Educational Affiliate
Vocationally registered doctors in New Zealand who hold a postgraduate qualification Doctors who are provisionally registered with the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) and require evidence of participation in a CPD program
Following completion and approval of your educational affiliate application
RANZCR associate – Specialist associate
A doctor who has trained and gained a Fellowship from a recognised Specialist Medical College in Australia or New Zealand or another recognised Specialist Medical Society
Following completion and approval of your associate application
RANZCR Associate -
Medical Associate
Prospective trainees, Medical students and junior doctors who are interested in a career in clinical radiology/radiation oncology. Non-specialist doctors that are qualified and recognised by APHRA as a doctor but who has not gained a fellowship from a recognised Specialist Medical College in Australia or New Zealand or another recognised Specialist Medical Society
Nursing and Allied Health Associate
Other healthcare professionals whose scope of practice identifies with clinical radiology/radiation oncology
International Medical Graduates (IMG)
International doctors who:
Following completion of your IMG assessment process
To comply with the requirements of the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) and the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ), RANZCR provides a CPD Program for members.
The RANZCR CPD Program is a self-directed and self-reporting program and has been developed under the leadership of the Clinical Radiology Professional Practice Committee and the Radiation Oncology Professional Practice Committee. Fellows, Educational Affiliates and CPD Participants record and report on their CPD activities annually and are responsible for selecting activities appropriate for their continuing professional development and for claiming CPD.
If you wish to become an Educational Affiliate and join the RANZCR CPD program, please refer to the Membership page for further information and to check if you are eligible.
The College has updated the RANZCR CPD program to align with the Medical Board of Australia and Medical Council of New Zealand CPD reforms. The updated CPD program was launched in January 2022 on the RANZCR ePortfolio and the full requirements commenced as of 1 January 2023 in line with the MBA Continuing Professional Development Registration Standard.
The RANZCR ePortfolio enables members to record CPD hours, view their compliance to date and download certificates (e.g., confirming CPD participation). The ePortfolio is mobile friendly and interactive, allowing members to log their CPD activities and upload evidence from a smartphone or tablet. To access the ePortfolio please click on the Member Login button in the top right of the RANZCR website page and select RANZCR ePortfolio.
To contact the CPD team please go to the Contact Us page.
The full CPD program commenced in 2023 and all members will need to complete the following MBA and MCNZ requirements on an annual basis. The 2024 calendar year has now commenced and CPD activities should be submitted regularly during the year and final submission by 31 December 2024.
The Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) requires that all New Zealand Fellows, Educational Affiliates, IMGs and CPD Participants meet the requirements of an approved CPD program, which includes recertification, to receive an annual practising certificate. The requirements of the MCNZ include:
All Members are required to prepare a professional development plan (PDP) on an annual basis.
A PDP is a planning document that can guide a doctor’s future CPD and educational activities throughout their career. It ensures a focus on those activities that will provide most benefit to an individual doctor, based on identified development needs, the identification and integration of professional and personal (non-work) objectives.
A structured conversation (at least annually) with a peer, colleague or employer about the doctor’s clinical practice is considered an essential component of recertification programs. The intent of this activity is to provide time for the doctor to reflect on their development needs, their goals for learning and professional activities and their intentions for the next year. Members are encouraged to use the information they have obtained undertaking activities across the three types of CPD to inform this conversation.
It provides an opportunity to receive constructive feedback and share best practice. It may also give members the opportunity to explore their satisfaction in their current role, self-care and any health and wellbeing issues so they are able to adjust their practice accordingly, set performance targets for the future, and consider longer-term career aspirations.
Please note: if you already have an annual review or conversation with your employer, you will be able to indicate this in the CPD ePortfolio and upload a copy or a letter from your employer indicating that a conversation has taken place. This will satisfy the MCNZ requirements.
All requests for a pro-rata CPD arrangement due to special circumstances can be made directly through the CPD ePortfolio using the ‘CPD break in practice’ form on the CPD ePortfolio dashboard or can be emailed to the college membership email inbox with the following details included:
If a pro-rata arrangement is granted by the College, an adjusted number of CPD hours the member needs to accrue for the year will be displayed on your CPD ePortfolio dashboard for that year.
Please refer to the Clinical Radiology CPD Handbook or the Radiation Oncology CPD Handbook for further information.
Members taking more than one year of extended leave should also refer to the Clinical Radiology Recency of Practice Guideline or the Radiation Oncology Recency of Practice Guideline.
Questions regarding CPD exemptions can be directed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Cultural Safety and Health Inequity
RANZCR CPD participants are encouraged to undertake activities that include a focus on cultural safety and health inequity. This may be identified when developing their Professional Development Plan and as part of reflective practice activities.
CPD activity types to consider for inclusion as part of your annual program to support cultural safety and health equity:
Professionalism and Ethical Practice
RANZCR CPD participants are encouraged to undertake activities that include a focus on professionalism and ethical practice. This may be identified when developing their Professional Development Plan and as part of reflective practice activities.
CPD activity types to consider for inclusion as part of your annual program to support professionalism and ethical practice:
Please note, the College is continually updating this information and will include new information as it becomes available.
Clinical Radiology members need to complete anaphylaxis training once every 3 years. Members are able to use the courses that they are already completing, especially as anaphylaxis training is commonly part of Basic Life Skills or CPR training. Members are required to record completion of this training in the CPD ePortfolio.
Please note, there are no Specialist High-Level CPD requirements for Radiation Oncology members at this time
If you are seeking CPD advice to support remediation activities please contact the College via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and include details of your request.
Requests are managed on a case-by-case basis and may be referred to the relevant Chief of Professional Practice. When required the request may be discussed by the relevant Professional Practice Committee to provide feedback. Please note requests will be de-identified.
The below resources can be used by Radiation Oncology Members to complete their Professional Development Plan or Multisource Feedback.
Please note, Clinical Radiology Members can access these templates through the CPD e-Portfolio.
Video Library
The College has an extensive webcast library which houses hundreds of hours of webcasts and webinars which can be searched by a term or key word. The Centralised Learning Program (CLP) is also available on the Video Library and is a 24 month lecture program. The content is aimed at the level of an early Phase 2 trainee, but available to all trainees, Fellows and IMGs by searching CLP. Please note that to access this you will need to login to MyRANZCR.
RACP e-learning module on cultural competence and cultural safety
The College has recently been granted guest access to the above e-learning module for trainees, and Fellows may also access the module. Go to this RANZCR website page - then under Online Modules there is a link to click on for a RACP e-learning module.
RANZCR now provides a process for external organisations to request recognition of a CPD activity.
Benefits of seeking recognition of your CPD activity
Information requested when seeking CPD activity recognition
Please read the Continuing Professional Development Guide to Activity Recognition for Education Providers prior to completing the application form.
Cost for application process for external organisations is $510 + GST.
If you would like to request use of the RANZCR logo, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further information.
If you would like to advertise your event on the RANZCR website, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Detailed information will be made available in the near future. Further questions? Please contact the College team via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for assistance.
The College audits a random selection (7%) of CPD participants annually. The purpose of this is to ensure that members are selecting appropriate CPD activities and recording them correctly.
If you are selected for audit, we will contact you and give you four weeks to submit evidence of your CPD activities.
We will review your submission to confirm that you have claimed all activities correctly and submitted the correct evidence. This takes between two and four weeks.