Transitioning Trainees - Clinical Radiology

Transition Arrangements for Clinical Radiology 

The Clinical Radiology Training Program is designed as a five-year training program and structured in three major phases. All trainees who were enrolled in the training program prior to 2022 have been transitioned to a phase of training in the Clinical Radiology Training Program. Transition information and scenarios have been developed that aim to minimise disruption and disadvantage for trainees. 

For more information on transition arrangements, please refer below:

Project 1 and Project 2 

Transitioning trainees are required to complete both the Project 1 and Project 2 as per old training program requirements. Trainees that started the Training Program from February 2022 onwards should refer to the Training Program Handbook for research project instructions. 

Please refer to the Project 1 and Project 2 instructions below for further information.

How to find out more?