Cultural Safety


Cultural safety is defined by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency and National Health Leadership Forum of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health peak organisations (in consultation with the MBA and AMC) as follows:

‘Cultural safety is determined by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals, families and communities. Culturally safe practice is the ongoing critical reflection of health practitioner knowledge, skills, attitudes, practicing behaviours and power differentials in delivering safe, accessible and responsive healthcare free of racism.’ 

‘Patient safety for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples is the norm. We recognise that patient safety includes the inextricably linked elements of clinical and cultural safety, and that this link must be defined by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.’ (AHPRA, 2020)

Cultural safety is defined in the New Zealand context as: 

'The need for doctors to examine themselves and the potential impact of their own culture on clinical interactions and healthcare service delivery.

The commitment by individual doctors to acknowledge and address any of their own biases, attitudes, assumptions, stereotypes, prejudices, structures and characteristics that may affect the quality of care provided.

The awareness that cultural safety encompasses a critical consciousness where healthcare professionals and healthcare organisations engage in ongoing self-reflection and self-awareness and hold themselves accountable for providing culturally safe care, as defined by the patient and their communities'. (MCNZ, 2019)

The following general resources have been collated to support clinical radiologists and radiation oncologists to enhance cultural competency and promote cultural safety. 

Radiation Oncology Specific Resources

The following resources are specific to Radiation Oncology.