radiation oncology
Below you will find an index of policies, guidelines, standards and position statements/papers relevant to radiation oncology. Search by keyword and use the filters to find what you're looking for.
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This policy is designed to assist with the management of variations to training which are requested by trainees within the Clinical Radiology or the Radiation Oncology Training Programs. Trainees may apply for a period of...
This position paper summarises the survey of current practice of IGBT in Australasia, provides evidence to support its use, and makes recommendations on equipment, dose, prescription, dose specification, does reporting and...
The College has developed a position paper on MRI access for Cervical Cancer Patients advocating removal of the once in a lifetime limitation from the Medicare Item. This paper has been submitted to the MBS Review.
This information is for International Medical Graduates (IMGs) who are planning to work in an Area of Need (AoN) position in Australia in both Clinical Radiology and Nuclear Medicine.
This policy prescribes the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists® (the College) eligibility, readiness to sit and successful completion requirements for candidates intending to attempt the Radiation...
This Policy sets out the mechanism for Reconsideration, Review and Appeal by any members, other individuals and organisations adversely affected by a decision of the College that is subject to this Policy.
Developed by the Radiation Oncology Alliance (The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists’ (RANZCR) Faculty of Radiation Oncology, Australian Society of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy (ASMIRT),...
Training networks are encouraged to include a mixture of different training environments, including metropolitan, regional/rural, public and private sites in order to expose radiation oncology trainees to the widest range of...
This policy outlines the criteria and mechanisms by which RANZCR Trainees or International Medical Graduates (IMGs) may advise the College of, and the College may consider, special circumstances which may adversely impact on...
The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR) Peer Review Audit Tool for Radiation Oncology (PRAT) was originally developed by the RANZCR Post-Fellowship Education Committee (PFEC) for use as a...
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