clinical radiology
Below you will find an index of policies, guidelines, standards and position statements/papers relevant to clinical radiology. Search by keyword and use the filters to find what you're looking for.
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This RANZCR Specialist Interventional Radiology and Interventional Neuroradiology Range of Practice document is intended to assist The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists® , its staff, Fellows, members...
Post-Mortem Imaging Position Statement. How cross sectional imaging can be used as an alternative to or in addition to conventional autopsy in establishing the cause of death.
RANZCR has identified six priority areas that we ask political parties to commit to ahead of the 2022 Australian Federal election.
Directors of Training are the College’s representatives within accredited training departments, providing liaison between Trainees and hospital/department administration. The role and responsibilities for the Director of...
Clinical Supervisors play a vital role in the successful training of future Clinical Radiologists (CR). The role and responsibilities for the Clinical Supervisor is summarised in this position description.
The Network Education Support Officer (NESO) is responsible for providing administrative support to the Network Training Director. The role and responsibilities for the NESO is summarised in this position description.
Position statement on RANZCR and ADIA's preferred Radiology Referral Set following the RRS landscape analysis.
Supplementary material can be found here.
This policy describes the requirements for the Phase 1 Examinations for trainees in the Clinical Radiology Training Program.
This policy also details the requirements to be eligible to sit the Phase 1 Examinations and...
Stakeholder consultation on draft International Medical Graduate (IMG)Stakeholder consultation on draft International Medical Graduate (IMG)Assessment Policy (Australia) and Area of Need (AoN) site accreditation standardsfor...
Clinical Radiology COVID Training and Examination FAQ
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