27 July 2021

ASM Indigenous Grants

Apply for a 2021 RANZCR ASM Grant

The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR) is committed to supporting the professions of clinical radiology and radiation oncology to contribute to equitable health outcomes for Maori, Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders. Increasing the number of medical practitioners from these communities is central to our commitment. For more information contact the RANZCR Events Team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Indigenous medical junior doctors and students can apply for an ASM Grant from The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists to contribute to their costs to attend the 2021 RANZCR Annual Scientific Meeting in Melbourne from16–19 September either in person or virtually. The RANZCR’s Annual Scientific Meeting brings eminent keynote speakers from around the world to share their knowledge across radiology and radiation oncology. The conference theme, Elysium, explores the increasing role of artificial intelligence in diagnosis, treatment, and patient outcomes now and in the future – and is an event not to be missed!

  • Applications have been extended to close 20 August
  • Winners will be announced on 24 August

Find out more and apply now!


Applications extended Junior text modified